Garden Party Coasters


Flowers in bloom surround you, a playlist of all your favorite songs plays softly around you, you’re dressed in an adorable, comfortable dress (with pockets!) that makes you feel beautiful, you are chatting with your besties, sipping on your fave beverage, and snacking on a delightful treat. How perfect, right?! We hope the Garden Party Coasters transport you to that magical place and fill you with joy!

These coasters are sold as a set of 4 various designs, your set will not have two of the same flowers, and no two sets of 4 are exactly same! The set you receive will be a beautiful floral surprise!

  • There is a hard cast resin topcoat on the coasters to protect them from heat and cold use. However, due to their intended use, surface scratches are possible over time. 

  • Coasters measure approximately 3.5” in diameter and include 4 clear rubber feet on each piece.

  • Coaster stand not included.

  • Do not place in direct sunlight as UV rays can cause resin to yellow.

These bracelets were created exclusively for Evermore Blooms in collaboration with Cassidy Rose Creative.

Every item in our store is designed, printed and shipped with love by a mom who has a connection to miscarriage; either personally or to someone they love.

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